Dear No Cussing Club,
I have viewed your site in its entirety, and I have concluded that this is the most nonsense site I have ever been to. I disagree entirely with your view of the following: That "swearing" is wrong and the world would be better without it. Let's start with how you think cursing is wrong. You're going to sit there and tell me that somehow my words are affecting my character. Listen, I am very happy and proud of who I am. I am a very intelligent individual, who is studying to eventually gain a Ph.D in Psychology. I know I can obtain this goal, because I am a very hard worker and, again, very intelligent. But you'll sit there and judge who I am because I swear. That is absolutely wrong of you to do such a thing. You're judging people who swear to be immoral heathens, even if you attempt to say otherwise. That is a lot worse than me saying a few naughty words.

Don't fucking point at me you little cunt. That's more fucking rude than me going up to your mother and going "get the hell out the way you 2 dollar whore."
Let me entertain you with something. You give the impression that swearing is so immoral and impactful on the world. Well, isn't what you doing pretty much the same thing? You ARE judging people based on their swearing. You have noted that "swearing" as immoral, and have charged with the idea that if you don't swear, you are a better person than the kid down the street who does swear. You're essentially elevating a group of people over another, a far more dangerous practice than saying a few words that have been deemed evil by a few people. What you are doing is religious in nature. Did the Catholic Church not say casual sex out of marriage is immoral and sinful? Never mind the fact that it's in human nature in the first place to have sex. Never mind that the person who came up with the idea that sex outside of marriage was, in fact, sexually active to a large degree, and is a downright hypocrite. But the fact that they place themselves above people who have sex outside of marriage, much like how you're doing it to people who swear, is more damaging for our society.

Also, the little boy besides you looks like he shat himself. Stop being a selfish bitch, all caught up in the fucking limelight of your shitty club, and help the poor bastard. HE HAS SHIT HIS PANTS. Also, one of the girls up the top looks retarded. Like you.
Back to impact on society. In our current culture, people are expected to swear. Everyone does it from time to time, for that is what America has become...a place where we can express ourselves freely with any word we want. To go against the culture is frowned upon. Oh wait, isn't that what you're doing? Seems mighty unpatriotic. Talking about patriotic, let's talk about freedom. Freedom...of speech maybe? One of the core rights this nation was founded upon, and you're shoving that away, all for a stupid club and some ridiculous idea that contradicts one of the founding principles this nation was founded upon. I have the right to say anything I want, without oppression, and here you come along...saying that what I say is immoral and wrong. You're suppressing my freedom to say what I want, which is for more damaging than me saying a word. What you're doing is down right illegal, by suggesting that I limit what I say.

Pfffh. That's your fucking celebrity endorsement? RUDY? Oh shit, well fuck me. How can I compete with Rudy? Oh yeah. I have literally shat out greater things than him. God, what the fuck? That's just fucking stupid. What's next? Barney The Dinosaur?

In conclusion, you stupid little cunt, your self righteous asshole act is tiring, unappealing, and hypocritical. You are not the moral good. You are a piece of shit who is in the wrong. You're trying to suppress my freedom to say what I want, you fucking retard. Go die in a fire. Go get hanged, drawn, and quartered. What you're doing to kids is more psychologically damaging than if I went up to them and said "Fuck you". Once your balls dropped, I hope you gain the critical thinking skills and maturity to figure out that your "no cussing club" is a fucking sham. Kill yourself.
Awesome Fail Dude.
PS: You look like a shit face. No wonder nobody likes you.
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