Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Big Issue

We here at FailBlog want to address the big issues facing the world today. So, I want to take the time to get the readers (all three of you) opinion on a very important subject.

I have three days of class left before I go back home, but what I forgot to take into account is that it's technically four days since I have the day I'm traveling on. I knew I had four pairs of clothes at Albany so I left all of my clothes back home this past vacation, because I'm lazy.

After doing laundry, I discovered that I only have three pairs of boxers here. So, do I double up a pair on boxer duty or freeball one of these four days?


(coming soon to FailBlog... maybe... one of these days: Nate goes to a Japanese punk show... in his home state of Vermont... and lives to tell about it!)

1 comment:

Luke said...

A man should never go commando. Because the day you decide to not where underwear is the day your hot crush actually talks to you and your pants fall down out of nowhere.