Saturday, November 1, 2008

Blogspot is Fail


I've been busy. But for all three of you excited people, he's a new entry.

Ever since day one of me being introduced to this place by Nate, I have been looking at random blogs..................still yet to find one that doesn't annoy me/throw me off..............

I, using my nice HTML knowledge, will now provide a nice looking list of all the general blogs that piss me off.

TYPE: The "I'm so deep and unique" blog.
RANT: You are not unique. There are many idiots just like you. Plus, that format is just annoying.
if i wanted
to just be
and special
the magic
RANT: Within five clicks of the next blog, I bet you will see someone posting oodles of pictures of their kids. Tell me, who searches for kids? Oh yeah, Pedophiles. Thank you for putting your kid's pictures out there. They are now some pervert's whacking material. Besides, if I wanted to see little children, I'll go outside and start dropkicking some in the face. After I viewed all these annoying little kids, I really do need to go kick one.

TYPE: The "I'm obsessed with 'WTF'" blog.
RANT: I had originally objected to giving example links, but fuck it for this one.[] WHAT THE FUCK? DONKEYS? WHO THE FUCK LOVES DONKEYS THIS MUCH? How sad of a life do you have in order to love donkeys? Who grows up going "Awww, I want to love donkeys?"...Meth kids, that's who.

TYPE: The "HolaIchEshfearejfeioajoieajfoieajiwhatlanguageisthat" blog.
RANT: Okay, before I get "DUDE THAT IS SO PREJUDICE" shit, shut it. I am just annoyed that every half click is a wasted one. I demand to be entertained by shitty blogs, and if I can't be entertained because I don't understand just what the fuck you're saying, then there's no point in me reading. If there is no point, then my time is wasted. Then when half of my "next blogs" click turns up other languages, it becomes "Okay, don't understand that. *Clicks* Okay, don't understand that. *Clicks* Okay, where's all the English gone? *Clicks* OH WHAT THE FUCK? A LINE THROUGH THE O? THAT'S JUST ILLEGAL!"

TYPE: The "Look at all the gadgets that I can cram into my blog!!!!" blog.
RANT: Once in a while, you come across these whore blogs where all they do is just put meaningless stat counters, chats, organizers, calendars, and ball kicking midgets. The most annoying one is when I'm looking at a blog, and right in my face, it says "A GUY FROM MINNESOTA HAS VISITED THIS SITE!!!" It's like fuck you, I didn't give you permission to state where I live. If you're going to give the city I live in to anyone who views your blog, then I'm suing you for releasing information that I didn't give you permission to release. Expect my million dollar lawsuit on your doorstep in the morning.

Well, people, I hope you like it. The failblog refuses to ever fall into these annoying, tool-like blogs. We will be original, funny, awesome, and we won't sponsor anyone.
Do it now.
Because it wins as much as this site. Maaaaaaaaybe a tad bit more.
Damn right I just broke our last rule in two seconds, because I rule.
Until next time.

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